          The suspected underground chained slavery terrorist in Taiwan, Mainland China and beyond 大陳人-大美人-大快人心-(人-"Cur(se).Ja(cket).What." prunounce sounding like 林)- 林大新(華興校友)- 陳美(violin professional player)-陳昕(Chen Xin 9D AIBANG MANSION #585 L 個人信貸INGLING RD SHANGHAI ; Bank Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Shanghai Branch A/C#472900001688)-陳欣(華興校友)-陳新新(華興校友)--陳美馨(She's one of most famou 西裝外套s 華興校友 Angus Tung 李瓊's EX-wife)-快人快語-陳玉馨(423-2393669華興校友)-虞馨(華興校友)-虞新(華興校友)--快樂-陳美月(593-7-923714 [Ecuador]華興校友)-快樂(Happy. 伍美華's daughter's Eng 票貼lish name or English nickname, 伍美華's more than 15 or 20years ago in Houston 9220 Clarewood Houston TX 77036 APT#1119 713-2719106 ; notice Happay links to 嚴樂 as 言樂 means 快樂; 伍美華 links to 嚴樂's 小額信貸husband 陳法武-武媚-武則天-"7.天大.Sun" - 孫.5.空-吳瑞孔-樂詩川-"樂.Boot.S.Shoot"-川蜀-4川-空心-孫欣-孫傑-嚴潔-瑞士-G.樂.4.Ja[ck]- G.Lu[ck] sounding like "Young.Show" deadly crime.)-余玲(華興校友)-林美玉(八堵國小校友)-穹空-陳?(86-574-87923540 保濕面膜/87117805/87147030/87123787/87111330/87505838/87198000/87198111 86-13805883707/13805861722)-窮光蛋-吳月光((華興校友)-吳光舜(華興校友)-孫欣(886-7-7416503/3513121)-于丹(北京?范大?教授于丹, a suspected criminal stealing Confucius "Lwen.Yu" to profit her undergro 個人信貸und chained suspected criminal terrorist agents the same time suspected to use "Lwen.Yu" as her suspected criminal grouped secret booklet codes. Notice 于丹 sounding like Chinese words "Fish Egg".)-余玲(516-6817003 718-6318895華興校友)-零蛋-余玲雅(政大歷史系第二屆)-鴨蛋-水鴨-壓碎 租屋網-壓扁-陳水扁(current President of Republic of China; notice 水 Mandarin sounding like Taiwanese美 )-香水城-陳香梅(notice 水 Mandarin sounding like Taiwanese 美, 美 Mandarin sounding like 梅)- 陳香玉(華興校友 also name 陳.Jer.Ping or 陳.Jer.Chou. 886-7-6615335/6623361)-城隍廟-黃預梅(also name as林黃預梅501- 術後面膜2212818 Arkansas. before moving to Arkansas, she had lived in 4806 Spanish Oak, Houston TX 77066 phone number 281 or 713 - 5809464) -林妙齡(6019 Pin Oak Place, Spring, TX 77379 281-3706888)-吳妙振(華興校友)-鄭金花(886-2-25425656EX8799 F221402897, information provided by JungShiauLin's long time close partner 嚴樂, noti ARMANIce 221 the number JungShiauLin's Ticona PO Box number in Kaoshiung)-金美齡-金珍(415-7510128 650-9640864)-吳淑珍(TAiwan current First Lady)-吳甦(北一女1968真班 9017 White Oak Ave, Northridge CA 91325 818-8950745 818-9984846) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租辦公室  .

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